Monday, October 31, 2011

Chillin' in Osaka and Nara

So, Justin and I made it to Osaka just fine! I was pretty nervous about the whole Shinkansen thing, but when we got to Tokyo station, it was actually pretty easy; pretty much just like getting on a normal train, except this sucker goes super fast and can take you across the entire country, no big deal.

We met the ever-fabulous Kelly O'Hanlon at Osaka Station, and from there she showed us around the ENTIRE city. First, we went to the Aquarium, then checked out the Osaka Castle (, then went on the Tempozan Ferris Wheel (, and finally went out to a Chinese Restaurant.

Afterwards, Kelly and I returned to her host-parents house, where I got to meet both her mom and dad. They were really cool people, and before we arrived Kelly warned me that her dad was going to speak a lot of English. He ended up speaking pretty much only English, which was cool, because I would reply in Japanese. The next morning, they pretty much cooked up a feast, including a bowl of rice, some salmon, a plate of vegetables, some amazing nori, miso soup, and they were about to make me some stir-fry, to which I said NO IT'S ALL GOOD THANKS! They said, "But, you are so big, are you sure it will be enough?" So funny, actually. When I arrived at my host parent's house two or so weeks ago, the first thing the host mother said to me was 大きい!!! (which is BIG!). When I arrived at Kelly's house, her mother said the exact same thing.

Anyways, Kelly and I walked to the department store by her station where I bought various things necessary for survival. After that, I said my goodbyes, and left for doubutsuen-mae to meet up with Justin at the hostel. We had a good day, if not very simple and relaxed. The only thing noteworthy we did was visit the Tsutenkaku Tower ( By the way, the tower on the inside was filled with images and statues of this little fella: (

Today, Justin and I visited Nara (,_Nara). Nara is a super cool city, with tons of temples and stuff of that nature. I was able to take many awesome pictures of the city. Nara is known for having the world's largest wooden building, the Daibutsuden Hall. Inside the wooden building is, just like at Kamakura, contains another Big Buddah (Daibutsu). Also, Nara has TONS of wild deer running all over the place. For 150 yen, you can buy food to feed them. I will upload the pictures and videos I took today and yesterday once I return back to Kanagawa. Tomorrow, we are leaving this hostel and heading over to Kyoto. Until then, I bid you all adieu.

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